Combined planetary eccentric gear

The film shows a two-level planetary gear with level planets (Wolfrom set) and output to a second (similar) internal cog wheel for a gear reduction up to i=694:1.
It is assembled with two similar interior cog wheels on the second planetary level and the Wolfrom level. It is a very big gear with module 5 in the output level and approximately 1000 mm diameter for an extremely high moment of force.

Two-level p three-level planetary gear nesting.
Planetary gear nesting.

The film shows a two-level combined planetary eccentric gear as it can be used for example with steering gears to strengthen the moment of force. The impetus happens with an electric motor from the outside at the eccentric of the eccentric gear. The gear reduction is approximately 30:1. The sun wheel of the planetary level is connected to the steering column.

Three-level planetary gear assembled nesting and in a row.
Three-level planetary gear assembled nesting and in a row.
one-level planetary gear in a eccentric gear assembled nesting or a one-level eccentric gear.
one-level planetary gear in a two-level eccentric gear nesting or a one-level planetary gear in a eccentric gear nesting or a one-level eccentric gear. All of them in the same box!

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Applied for patent

This product has been patented.